Report on Potatoes of Pakistan

Potato is the best commercial and profitable crop in Pakistan. From last some years potatoes is an essential crop for both clients and farmer in Pakistan. Potatoes are 4th important crop production-wise (volume). This has high-nutritive value and good returns to farmers. In 1946 (independence time), it is on 3000 hectares and then production increased to 107,000 hectares. Pakistan is producing potatoes in sufficient quantity for domestic consumption and depends on locally produced potatoes (98%).  At the moment, it is estimated that domestic production is 1.8 metric tons or 27500 metric tons has been recycled as seeds and 1.79 million metric tons available to consume it as post-harvest damages. The 131 million of the population is using 9.25 kg per capita annually.

Quality Standard of Pakistani Potatoes

Quality of Pakistani Potatoes is according to global standard. Pakistan has established councils, committees and commission to check the international standard of food before export. They are responsible to set the international standard for this crop. Potato is a favorite dish in Lunch or dinner table. Every family cooks potatoes as their food like rice or wheat. Thus, potatoes cultivation is a perfect in Pakistan because we use natural process. Potato word is originated from tuber- the edible section of this plant. The whole plant is called as potatoes.   It has full carbohydrates so it is an important part of the food. The annual production of potato is more than other vegetables. Due to high demands, farmers work to increase the economic conditions.  Potato performs unique functions like breaking its rotation on the grass. 

Potato Suppliers from Pakistan
Introduction of Potatoes

Flowering in potatoes- Potatoes is called ‘Solanum tuberosum’ – a botanically a member of Solanaceae family. It is a tuber plant – a member of a family. This attains the height of 2 feet maximum per annum.    This plant spreads through tubers (underground). The sprouts-buds on it turn to leave and a stem. Its flower’s color is white, red, purple, pick having yellow stamen.  It has 310 different seeds. The tuber contains the solanine- alkaloid toxin which is an important portion of a tree. It is perfect to consume, except tuber.

Potatoes Cultivation
Potato accepts or like cool-climate conditions like winter is the best season for this plant. We are successful because we choose diseases free prostate tubers. Potatoes are grown on pots, green-houses, backyards, containers, etc.   Thus, it develops on moisture content, light, cool climate, etc. Tuber stops developing if the temperature is above 30-degree centigrade. If temperature increases then respiration also increases. During these methods, produced carbohydrates are consumed in a tuber. It means it affects in high-temperature. The ideal soil is under the temperature of 17 degrees to 19 degrees centigrade. For this crop, you have to use water 4 to 5 mm daily basis.

Availability- It’s cultivated in Oct to Dec. In this duration, the climate is not hot or not so cold. Monsoon is also ideal for potatoes crops’ cultivation. 

In the world, different varieties of potatoes are available about more than 100, we can say. Red-skinned and Brown(tan) skinned are common in gardens.
Import Potato from Pakistan

Global level
Initial stage varieties-
·        Cobbler- irregular shape or Brown(tan)skin
·        Norland- resistant to red potato scab, red-skin
·        Mountain rose- pink flesh with red skin, resilient to diseases

Middle- Stage varieties-
·        Red Pontiac- deep eyes with red skin
·        Viking- productive  with red skin
·        Chieftan- stores well, resilient to scab with red skin

Late varieties-
·        Kathadin- Brown(tan) skin, resilient to disease
·        Kenebec- Brown(tan) skin, same as above with late blight
·        Elbas- large round tuber, tan skin, resilient to scab and blight
·        Bluish potato- people like all over the world.

In Pakistan

RED SKIN- Desiree, Ultimus, Cardinal, Raja Symphonia, Lal-a-Faisal,
WHITE SKIN-    Diamant, Ajax, Patrones, Multa,  Sante
Different Zones in Pakistan
Southern Punjab, Baluchistan, Sindh, Central Punjab, NWFP, Waziristan, and Azad Kashmir

Farming of potatoes in Pakistan

The land is prepared ploughed two to three times and prepared. It ensures cold seedbed. In this preparation stage, rocks and pans are destroyed. These items may interfere with the circulation of air and water for potato tubers that affects the development. The beds are kept on 60 to 80 cm distance and intra-bed is approximately 45.4 cm.


It is used in different Pakistani or Asian dishes in different adaptation and styles. People love Pakistani food. It is prepared easily and used in Salad, snacks, dishes, etc.


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